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Playback a video

This guide provides you the instructions to playback a video or a live stream on your website/applications. To playback live streams or on-demand video inside your application, you'll need to use a video player component that supports the HLS protocol.

You can either use Livepeer's built-in player or your own player. This guide covers both options.

Using Livepeer's player

Livepeer.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to upload, retrieve, and play assets. It provides a core vanilla JS library to easily connect to a Livepeer provider (e.g. Livepeer Studio), as well as React-specific hooks/components to provide memoization and DOM management.


Livepeer.js currently only supports applications built with React.js and Next.js.

Get video playback id

Each video or live stream has a unique playback id. You can get the playback id from the response of the Create a video or Create a livestream API.

The response should look like this:

"asset": {
"id": "7d042176-230b-464c-a677-4a19b513193c",
"playbackId": "7d048tbcfrv6gvzs",
"userId": "80dc8f6e-69d5-401f-bbd7-bfc09a2a5320",
"createdAt": 1659715086322,
"status": {
"phase": "waiting",
"updatedAt": 1659715086322
"name": "Example name"
"task": {
"id": "d3a2ab1b-8dd1-450d-ac8e-498fd9d91865"


Once you have the playback id, the next step is to install the library. You can do so by running the following command:

npm install @livepeer/react


The Player component provides an easy way to display video or audio. You can also customize the player's theme and controls.

import { Player } from "@livepeer/react";

export const SimplePlayer = () => {
return (
title="Agent 327: Operation Barbershop"

Using your own player

Using livepeer.js is the easiest and recommended way to playback a video or a live stream. However, if you want to use your own player, you can do so by following the instructions below.

Please note that to playback live streams inside your application you'll need to use a video player component that supports the HLS.

Create a playback URL

To playback a live stream in other players, you'll need to create an HLS URL. HLS is a protocol that allows you to stream video and audio content over HTTP. Most of the video you watch on the web is delivered using HLS. Livepeer also uses HLS to deliver video and audio content.


Playback URLs are different for live streams and on-demand videos. Please make sure you're using the correct URL for the type of content you're trying to playback.

You can create an HLS url by using the below format and replacing the PLAYBACK_ID with your stream's playback id.{PLAYBACK_ID}/index.m3u8

On-demand videos have a different format for the playback URLs. To playback such videos, you can use the below format and replace the PLAYBACK_ID with your video's playback id.{PLAYBACK_ID}/video

Use the playback URL in a player

You can use the playback URL is any video player that supports HLS. Here is a list of popular players that supports HLS:

Here is an example of how to use the playback URL in video.js player.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<!-- If you'd like to support IE8 (for Video.js versions prior to v7) -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->

type="video/mp4" />

<script src=""></script>

Embeddable Player


The embeddable player is currently in beta and some elements may change as we mature the product. For a production-grade application consider using Livepeer.js instead.

This is one of the easiest way to playback a video on your website/applications. You can embed the player on your website/applications by using the below code snippet.

You can replace the PLAYBACK_ID with your video's playback id.

allow="autoplay; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture"

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